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Two hands holding a water test strip and a test strip bottle. The hands are above the water of an above-ground pool. There is a chemical floater in the water as well.

Your Handy Dandy Pool Supplies Checklist

Pool ownership comes with the responsibility of keeping your pool clean and safe for use. Using good pool supplies can make a big difference in the effort you have to put in to keep your pool up and running smoothly. It is important to make sure you keep the appropriate pool supplies on hand at all times in order to maintain your beautiful pool.


Here is an overview of chemicals that every pool owner should make sure they have on their checklist this summer. 


There are several sanitizer options to choose from, including chlorine, bromine, and saltwater. Regardless of what sanitizing system you use for your pool, be sure to have plenty of it on hand for your pool season this year. Sanitizer is a crucial part of keeping your pool clean and should be at the top of your pool supplies checklist. 


Shock is another important pool supply to have around. Shock is a concentrated sanitizer that is added in high amounts to kill any lurking organic contaminants. Shocking your pool is an important part of the cleaning process and should be done approximately once a week.

pH Balancer 

Keeping your water balanced to the perfect pH level is a continuous task that all pool owners will experience. Depending on your water type, quality, usage, products used, etc., you will either have to lower or increase the pH to reach the ideal 7.2-7.8 level. Add pH-balancing chemicals to your pool supplies list to make sure you have what you need regardless of your current pH readings. 

Calcium Increaser

Calcium-increasing chemicals are another great item to add to your pool supplies list. If calcium levels fall below what is recommended, it can harm the surface of your pool. Keeping these chemicals on hand will help you avoid unnecessary damage to your pool. 

Stain and Scale Remover

Stain and scale-removing chemicals help take out metal contents from the water and will remove staining caused by the metals. You can use stain and scale remover preventatively or when staining occurs, either way, we recommend adding it to your pool supply list. 


Pools create a great environment for algae to grow and thrive. If you wait to open your pool until summer has already begun, or if you let chemical levels fall too low, you may end up with a small algae problem. Algaecide products can eliminate algae that have formed and can also prevent algae growth when used appropriately. 

Cleaning Supplies

Chemicals aren’t the only pool supplies that should be on your checklist. It is important to keep a good inventory of cleaning supplies that will help aid in keeping your pool clean and clear this summer. 

Pool Skimmer

While simple, a pool skimmer can help to take some of the strain off of your filters. Whenever you see leaves, bugs, or other fallen contaminants in your pool, use a pool skimmer to remove them. Too many of these types of items can clog filters quickly, causing them to require early cleaning and replacing. 

Scrub Brushes 

Scrub brushes are another simple tool that can make a big difference. While chemicals are an effective way to eliminate certain types of growth and bacteria, residue may be left behind. Many pool owners have experienced slimy walls or steps. Using a scrub brush alongside your cleaning chemicals can help eliminate and avoid this issue. 

Automatic Cleaner

An automatic cleaner, while not always a necessary product, may make your life a whole lot easier. By adding this product to your pool supply list, you will be able to give yourself an easier summer with less cleaning and more relaxation. 

Consider Bonnie & Clyde’s Pools & Spas for Your Pool Supplies

Once you’ve created your checklist, Bonnie & Clyde’s should be your next stop. Visit any of our six locations within the Dallas-Fort Worth area for expert care and advice. Here at Bonnie & Clyde’s, we carry a variety of top-quality products that are sure to keep your pool water clean and healthy. Contact us here with any questions, we are always happy to help!